Документальный фильм от студии Zenra SOD Soft on Demand - съёмки самого известного в мире балета "Лебединое озеро" - Swan Lake - The Eros Ballet, Part-2. Такой забавный китайский вариант балета для нудистов с обнажёнными, или просто голыми, балеринами. Балерины все китайские или японские - точно не знаю, танцуют весьма паршиво, но это и не главное ибо в голом виде и так всё действо смотрится забавно, к тому же на сцене балетная труппа занимается всеми повседневными делами, кроме танцев они влюбляются, занимаются сексом. то парами, то массово. В фильме есть интервью с балеринами и закулисные съемки. В общем интересное зрелище, подробное описание балета на английском - ниже.
Scene 1: The video opens with some candid interview and practice shots of the ballerinas, and some clips from both videos of the series to whet your appetite. Immediately we are taken to an act from the Swan Lake, where this is pretty much a fully normally acted out ballet act by mediocre performers.
Scene 2: Halfway through, the girls who are playing the parts of the swans appear in a different scene completely naked (safe their tutus, hair pieces and masks). One thing to note about these performers are they are very athletic and fit as shown by their bodies. They create very sexy scenes with their beautiful postures and movements. This is continued with a long scene of ballet dancing between a fully clothed male dancer and nude ballerina. They touch and hold each other as part of the dance routines, no hanky panky at all.
Scene 3: The second act takes place in a castle setting, where a ball seems to be taking place. The casts are all fully clothed and they perform the routine regularly. At the very end of the act, the featured ballerina entangles herself with the male dancer, and the stage (full of ball attendees) are promptly emptied while the couple are starting to heat up themselves. The two make out while slowly undressing each other and the ballerina quickly make her way to the man's penis for a blowjob. The foreplay slowly builds up, as they twist and turn their bodies in perfect harmony and forms beautiful arches and curves. They go through so many unorthodox (maybe they are in the ballerina sex circles, who knows) positions and movements. You have got to see these yourself, I will just attempt to describe one of them: The ballerina is positioned on top of the man, sitting in cowgirl position, except that her feet are fully outstretched (straight), supported by the man. She's practically sitting on the man's crotch, with her feet seemingly floating on top of the man, with her pelvic continuously twisting, turning and thrusting in lust... and this is just one of the starting positions, before they continue to arches, curls and stretches from one beautiful form to another.
Scene 4: The scene opens up with 4 ballerinas bound in ropes having 2 male dancers groping and sucking at them. After some foreplay, one of the ballerinas get fucked in the middle of the stage. Her hands are kept tied together throughout the act, with many different positions. in the end, all of the male dancers show up to come on her face.
Scene 5: Another scene with a couple, slightly less explosive than the first - but there are still a few new positions exhibited during this act. The next scene follows where the couple dances the final act straight through normally (fully clothed et al)
Scene 6: A long behind the scenes clip is included at the end, where interviews with each one of the ballerinas are conducted and we are treated to the lust and energy of the casts.
Zenra Nude Ballet 2. Swan Lake. |