The film was shot by the Moscow Naturist Club by order of the American company "Al Cinema Video Ltd".
Director: Sergey Zizjulkov.
Russia, 1999.
Language: Russian.
Download Goloye obshchestvo / Naked Society. 1999.
IT. Tra(sgre)dire è un film erotico di Tinto Brass del 2000.
Anche in questo film c'è il cameo del regista, in questo caso come proprietario di un negozio fotografico.
Carla, ventenne veneziana, entra in un'agenzia immobiliare a Londra: cerca un appartamento da affittare per Matteo, lo studente di cui è innamorata e che al più presto la raggiungerà nella capitale britannica. Moira, la titolare dell'agenzia, colpita dall'avvenenza di Carla, la invita a casa propria. Carla tace tutto a Matteo che, preso da dubbi e gelosie, le dice per telefono che intende rinunciare al viaggio a Londra. Carla, molto delusa, per reazione accetta anche la corte di Mario, l'ex marito di Moira, nel corso di una festa del tutto particolare.
A Venezia Matteo però non resiste e parte senza dire niente. Quando di sorpresa raggiunge Carla a Londra, sfoga la sua rabbia ma alla fine, trascinato da lei e dalle persone che Carla ha conosciuto, capisce che, se il saperla con un altro lo fa impazzire di gelosia, proprio la gelosia lo rende folle di desiderio per lei. Così Matteo chiede a Carla di giurare che gli mentirà sempre.
EN. Tra(sgre)dire (released as Cheeky in English) is a 2000 sex comedy directed by Tinto Brass, with Yuliya Mayarchuk in the lead role. Certain parallelisms are drawn between Nerosubianco (1969), another Tinto Brass film set in London.
The Italian title is a play on the verbs trasgredire (to transgress) and tradire (to betray).
It's a typical Tinto Brass soft-porn, but a slightly polished one.
The protagonist is a strong and sexually curious young woman who explores herself and her sexuality creating a boiling pot of lust in every location she crosses. She is looking for an apartment to allow her boyfriend Matteo to join her there. The real estate agent, Moira, who is bisexual, rents her a loft with a view of the Thames, with "intimate conditions." When the hot-tempered, jealous Matteo finds a nude picture of Carla and letters from her French ex-lover Bernard (Mauro Lorenz), Carla and Matteo have a row on the telephone. Angry at Matteo, Carla sleeps with Moira. Matteo, desperate, comes to London, where he finds Moira naked in Carla's apartment. He confronts Carla about all her past infidelities and refuses her offer to perform fellatio on him before leaving. After a walk in the park, where he observes much sexual activity, he changes his mind. Carla shows up with a written account of her infidelities, but Matteo declares he no longer needs to know.
As a trademark of Brass' films, it features lots of crotch shots, voyeurism, plenty of „up-skirt“ and suggestive scenarios and posterior views of women's rears. Also, Brass brings a richness of color and imagery seldom seen in the soft-core arena. The infamous beach sex scene is beautifully shot and is both graphic and artistic at the same time.
Director: Tinto Brass.
Cast: Yuliya Mayarchuk, Jarno Berardi, Francesca Nunzi, Max Parodi, Mauro Lorenz.
Italy, 2000.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Trasgredire / Tra(sgre)dire / Cheeky. 2000. HD.
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Trasgredire / Tra(sgre)dire / Cheeky. 2000. HD. |
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Trasgredire / Tra(sgre)dire / Cheeky. 2000. HD. |
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Amor Estranho Amor / Love Strange Love. 1982. FULL-HD. |
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Jungfrauen-Report / Virgin Report. 1972. |