Wednesday, 4 December 2024

Moscow Nudists in Serebryanny Bor. Part-4. HD.

Moscow Nudists in Serebryanny Bor. Part-4.
 Moscow Nudists in Serebryanny Bor. Part-4.
Real amateur hidden camera.
Format : WMV / 1280x720 HD
Duration : 22 min
File Size : 480 MB
Download Moscow Nudists in Serebryanny Bor. Part-4.
Moscow Nudists in Serebryanny Bor. Part-4.
Moscow Nudists in Serebryanny Bor. Part-4.

Monday, 2 December 2024

Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.

Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.
DE. Eine Art Selbsthilfegruppe trifft sich jeden Donnerstag in der Sauna von Jost und Nadine (Charly Hübner und Christiane Paul). Da geben der Langzeitarbeitslose Toni (Andreas Schmidt), die frisch vom Himmel ins Arbeitsamt gefallene Stewardess Dani (Esther Zimmering) und Monika (Laura Tonke), die promovierte Sozialhilfeempfängerin, einander Einkaufstipps. Stammgast Norbert (Edgar Selge) darf immerhin noch für seine Frau Reden schreiben, und nur Karin (Steffi Kühnert) glaubt, dem Kapitalismus in seiner vollen Pracht gewachsen zu sein.
Mit lakonischem Humor und einer gesunden Prise Sex nähert sich der in Berlin ansässige irische Filmregisseur Eoin Moore (Pigs will fly) dem vom Kino eher selten behandelten Thema Arbeitslosigkeit.
EN. The siblings Nadine and Jost meet up with their friends every Thursday in their Berlin sauna 'Im Schwitzkasten'. Not only do we sweat together, we also discuss everyday problems.
Director: Eoin Moore.
Cast: Charly Hübner, Steffi Kühnert, Christiane Paul, Andreas Schmidt, Edgar Selge, Laura Tonke, Esther Zimmering, Franziska Walser, Kathleen Gallego Zapata, Thorsten Merten, Martin Heisler.
Germany, 2005.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005.

Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.
Im Schwitzkasten / In the Sweat Box. 2005. HD.


Saturday, 30 November 2024

Bellas Mariposas / Pretty Butterflies. 2012. FULL-HD.

Bellas Mariposas / Pretty Butterflies. 2012. FULL-HD.
IT. Cate ha undici anni, tanti fratelli e un padre pezzo di merda. Vive alla periferia di Cagliari, ma vorrebbe fuggire: sogna di fare la cantante, non vuole finire come sua sorella Mandarina, rimasta incinta a tredici anni, o come Samantha, la ragazza oggetto del quartiere. Solo Gigi, un vicino di casa, merita il suo amore. Ma oggi, 3 agosto, la vita di Gigi è in pericolo: Tonio, uno dei fratelli di Cate, vuole ucciderlo. Intanto Cate trascorre con Luna, la sua migliore amica, il giorno più lungo della loro vita, tra il quartiere, il mare e le strade del centro. Quando scende la sera, tutto sembra perduto, ma dal nulla compare una bellissima donna: la coga Aleni, una strega che può leggere il futuro delle persone...
EN. Cate is eleven years old, many brothers and a father piece of shit. He lives on the outskirts of Cagliari, but would like to escape: he dreams of making the singer does not want to end up like her sister Mandarina, got pregnant at thirteen, or as Samantha, the girl object of the neighborhood. Only Gigi, a neighbor, deserves his love. But today, August 3, Gigi's life is in danger: Tonio, one of the brothers of Cate wants to kill him. Meanwhile, Cate spends with the Moon, her best friend, the longest day of their lives, between the district, the sea and the streets of downtown. When night falls, all seems lost, but out of nowhere appears a beautiful woman: coga Aleni, a witch who can read people's future ...
Director: Salvatore Mereu.
Cast: Sara Podda, Maya Mulas, Micaela Ramazzotti, Davide Todde, Luciano Curreli, Marina Loi, Rosalba Piras, Simone Paris, Anna Karina Dyatlyk, Giulia Coni, Silvia Coni, Roberto Voce, Theatre en Vol.
Italy, 2012.
Language: Italian, Sardinian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Bellas Mariposas / Pretty Butterflies. 2012.

Bellas Mariposas / Pretty Butterflies. 2012. FULL-HD.
Bellas Mariposas / Pretty Butterflies. 2012. FULL-HD.